
Three ways to unlock efficiencies with tech and thrive in a challenging year

Three ways to unlock efficiencies with tech and thrive in a challenging year

4 minutes

06th June 2023

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Whether it’s in the private or public sector, organisations face record economic challenges in 2023.


Inflation jumped unexpectedly to 10.4% in February, causing interest rates to rise to their highest in 15 years in March.


Decision makers are having to do more with the tech they already have, unlocking efficiencies where they can, making sure every pound invested in new tech gives them a clear return.


But these challenges also bring opportunities to create better employee, customer and citizen experiences.


In our latest report, Tech untapped, we surveyed over 1,200 private and public sector decision-makers to find out how they’re making that happen in their organisations.


Here are the top three themes we uncovered:

1. Get the balance right between old and new

72% of leaders believe old or outdated tech is making their organisation less efficient.


Outdated communications software, time-consuming manual admin tasks and slow or intermittent connectivity are turning tech that is meant to help into something that hinders.


So what can you do about it?


The most obvious answer is to invest in updating it. At a time when return on investment (ROI) is so important, many decision makers are focusing new investment on tried and tested technologies like collaboration tools, automation of admin processes and cybersecurity.


More cutting-edge technologies like AR, VR and AI are being put on the backburner as a result.

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If you’re on a tight budget you’ll obviously want to make tech investment decisions based on which can make an impact and bring you ROI the quickest.


But what if you don’t have the capital to upgrade tech in 2023?


Fortunately there’s more than one way to upgrade. You can get more out of your current technology by looking at ways to empower the people who use it.

“From someone who'll be left doing the administration for it internally, if someone else can do some heavy lifting (on the cloud), then it's a no-brainer. It allows us to focus on supporting our team even better.”


Alexander Dixon, Head of IT, Pollard Thomas Edwards


2. Empower the people using the tech every day

50% of leaders say less than half their employees are using unified communications and collaboration tools to their full extent.


It doesn’t matter if it’s legacy or new – workplace technology is nothing without the employees who use it.


Digital skills training underpins the consistency and long-term efficiency of your workforce. This might be company-supplied online courses, in-person workshops or even making time in the working day for employees to self-teach through other digital resources.


Taking the time to train your employees can also help you retain and attract talent.


42% of employees would be more likely to stay at their job if employers provided more regular, intensive training on the use of digital technology, according to our Tech and the battle for talent report.

“The people are equally as important. Working out their processes and their needs and wants is important, and I think I think that's probably what we can't lose sight of. Digital is a great enabler of change. But the people are the bits that make that change.”


Graham Walsh, Medical Director Yorkshire and Humber Academic Health Science Network


3. Challenge your partners to find new opportunities

78% of respondents rely on their IT and telecoms providers for consultancy on how to get more from legacy tech.


Decision makers are increasingly turning to external tech partners for guidance as they navigate the challenges of 2023.

“What I go looking for is a supplier partner who really wants to understand the intricacies of our business and our needs, how they’re different or similar to other organisations they work with, and how agile they can make their solution to suit our needs rather than the other way around.”


Paula Eavis, Director of Human Resources, Bunzl UK


Internal IT teams, which traditionally haven’t been in the board room, are now being brought into these conversations too.


Our research found respondents are speaking to their IT function more regularly as technology becomes central to business strategy and future planning.

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Internal teams might help you get the most out of what you’ve already got, but external partners can help you discover ways to improve efficiency you may not even be aware of yet.


Breaking down communication barriers and leaning on your partners is a fantastic way to broaden your organisation’s horizons.

Three ways to unlock your organisation’s hidden efficiencies

2023 is the year of balance. Don’t feel you need to go it alone.


  • Look to replace legacy technology to empower your teams
  • Train employees to achieve more with old or new technology
  • Challenge your partners to help you do more with the same or less

Your suppliers are experts in their field and should be able to offer you advice that goes beyond the product or service they provide.


If you’re in any doubt, be sure to ask them what else they can help you with.


Want to read the full research findings?


Download our Tech untapped report now


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