
Why SD-WAN is the future of fixed connectivity for healthcare

Why SD-WAN is the future of fixed connectivity for healthcare

1 minute

08th March 2024

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What if you could boost patient experiences. Cut your costs – significantly. And tighten your cybersecurity. All in one fell swoop.


That’s exactly what SD-WAN connectivity can do for your NHS Trust.


Our latest infographic explores how SD-WAN can revolutionise the way you work, connecting your people to the cloud from anywhere and getting your workforce closer to their apps and data than ever.


It also highlights the benefits experienced by five NHS leaders who switched to SD-WAN, including:


  • 139% more available bandwidth1
  • 77% less unplanned downtime1
  • Up to £137,000 cost saving2
  • £8,894 a year saving on security incidents3

So download the infographic. And see the difference SD-WAN can make.

  1. Figures are derived from interviews with five current NHS employees in October/November 2023. Whilst names and specific NHS trusts are anonymous, the role profiles included Chief Technology Officer, Head of Digital Service Delivery, Head of IT Infrastructure & Architecture, Technical Architect, and Head of Information & Business Intelligence. Figures are an average from the interview responses (where interviewees provided figures). Savings figures are indicative only and may vary based on context.
  2. Based on an NHS Trust with 47 sites, 334,000 registered patients, and average connectivity requirements.
  3. Based on time taken to resolve four security incidents a year at an NHS Trust.

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