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Supporting medium businesses and helping them get more
Employing over 7.5 million people across the UK, medium-sized businesses play a crucial role in the country’s economy.
But having been through the worst of the pandemic, many are now facing new challenges. Whether it’s coping with rising energy bills, reduced customer spending or stalling supply chain issues, businesses are looking at ways they can deal with these, without affecting day-to-day work activities.
To get a better idea of what they’ll need to succeed — and grow – over the next few years, we spoke to over 1000 business leaders and asked them: “How would new tech make your lives easier?”
You can see the results for yourself in our report. Highlights include:
65% see tech as the biggest driver of growth
87% have noticed an improvement in productivity when their people have new tech
Almost half want more support from their IT teams to drive their business ambitions
An extra 10% to spend on devices
To make sure UK medium-sized businesses can get more, we’re offering them the chance to give even more devices to their people.
Take out any business mobile plan and internet connection (broadband or leased lines), and we’ll put 10% of the cost of your new plans into a fund to spend on the very latest tech for your team.
Better together
Virgin Media Business and O2 Business joined forces to create a new type of digital connectivity partner for UK companies.
Bringing mobile and fixed connectivity together, this new partnership now means that companies of all sizes and specialities can now be better connected – whoever they’re working with and wherever they spend their working day.