Cookie policy

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Our cookies are here to help

Our website and cookies are managed by Virgin Media Business. Some of our cookies will collect personal data. You can find out more information on how Virgin Media Business and O2 Business use your personal data, including data collected from these cookies here Virgin Media Business Privacy Policy and O2 Business Privacy Policy


Cookies are small files that our website saves on your device to make your visits more efficient, convenient, and relevant. Some cookies are required for the operation of our website, while others recall information about you to provide you with a better, more enjoyable online experience. They also assist us in the creation of content, the promotion of our products and services, and the personalization of our offers to you.

Cookie settings

Here you can change your preferences for non-essential cookies that are used on Just toggle to green, to accept cookies, or grey, to turn them off.

You can learn a lot more about each sort of cookie and what it does in the sections below. You can also see whether a cookie is 1st party or 3rd party, as well as whether it's a session or persistent cookie.


3rd party cookies are created by other websites and are typically used for tracking and advertising across multiple websites. 1st party cookies are created directly by our website. Session cookies are only used for a short period of time and are removed when you close your browser.

Our cookies and what they do: